Feel Goods & Funnies

Spirit Animal Fun

Our girls took a spirit animal quiz the other day in school for something fun and different. It was brought to me asking if I’d like to take the quiz. In which I said: oh dear, questions…decisions…Mommy’s not good with those ‘on the spot questions’ (we chuckled).

It was cute and sweet sitting together while I answered the questions and hearing: I picked ‘x’ for that answer. When taking time to think about it after the fact, it’s questions we don’t typically think to ask our kiddos (and/or probably even ourselves) – to see how we think, what we prefer and/or how we handle things.

Click to take the quiz (Spirit Animal Quiz). Then if you’d like to share it with me, shoot me an email and let me know your thoughts (if you think it is pretty accurate in describing yourself, etc.)! 🙂

My spirit animal result: The Bear