Hands in the Kitchen

So – I love kitchen time and I believe it’s something I inherited. I grew up with a loving Mom who served from the kindness of her heart. Not because it was a duty but because she wanted to, for us and with us. I can remember helping with meals (even if taking things to the table), baking (while also licking beaters…bonus), husking corn together (with my Grandma too), running in from playing to grab peaches while my Mom and Grandma were in their canning process (and hearing – “if you guys keep eating them, we won’t have any to can” – – yeah right…the kitchen was filled with peaches, lol) …
Ah, the memories that resound within my heart!
Hands in the kitchen are not just about making good eats for my loves, it’s also time well spent together making memories and mentoring new little chefs/bakers.

– Fun Fact = If designing a home, my dream room would be the kitchen
– Family ‘secret’ – Love, the secret ingredient is Love (xoxo) AND don’t bake angry. And it works because if I’m in a sour mood, I’ll hear my Momma’s voice: don’t bake angry. So then I put music on or slowly pull myself away from whatever has me frustrated because I want whatever I’m making to turn out yummy. Can’t take any chances (lol) – even if it can’t be jinxed…it’s worth the ‘attitude adjustment’!

* Keep your eyes open for recipes we love (and are willing to share, lol)